PP POOL – Entire tub with the latest technology without carcinogenic PVC liner
A PP Pool consists of polypropylene, which is a type of plastic that is also approved for drinking water containers. The pool is delivered as a “whole tub” to make installation as easy as possible. The plastic is colored through and is available in thicknesses of 8 or 12 mm. Because polypropylene is a homogeneous material, scratch marks will not affect the life of the pool and the pool cannot get boils or osmosis (as competing full tubs such as fiberglass pools can).
The type of polypropylene used in our pools comes from German Röchling and is specially developed for pool production with UV stable PP. The fact that the plastic is UV stable means that the only thing that happens to the material over time is that it gets a more matte surface instead.
The material is available in several colors and the material makes it possible to manufacture special benches, various forms of stairs, overflow systems and it is only the imagination that sets the limits.
PP pool as a complete tub – quick installation
The PP Pool is delivered as a complete tub and installation is quick and easy. When the pool is to be installed, a hole is dug where the pool is to stand, then fiber cloth, drainage and bearing layers are placed. After this comes bottom insulation along with the pool that you lay down. As soon as the pool has been lifted into the hole, you can connect the pool, remove the protective film and start filling with water, as well as refilling with dry mortar.
A normal installation time for a PP Pool is about a week from when the digger started digging the hole. In the case of unstable ground such as sand or high groundwater, however, it is necessary to cast a base plate on top of the drainage. Otherwise, the installation is the same. Read more about the cost of building a pool here.
Withstands temperatures above 33 degrees
You want to enjoy a pool and not freeze when you swim, and therefore many of our customers want a 28 or even 30 degree swimming temperature in the pool. This is no problem with a PP Pool as the material can handle temperatures even above 33 degrees.
Concrete pool – A stable construction
PP The pool is refilled with dry mortar on the sides at the same time as the pool is filled with water. The dry mortar and water then form concrete. Thus, the pool becomes a concrete pool that is absolutely the most stable you can get and lasts the longest of all types of pools without rusting or rotting.
The combination of a PP pool and concrete gives you the best of both worlds. You get a concrete pool that has all the advantages of the PP pool, such as long durability, no risk of rotting and can withstand higher temperatures.
Our pools have frameworks made of Roechling CubX, which is a very strong, but at the same time light material. CubX is built in the same way as the walls of airplanes are built where two horizontal walls are connected by many vertical walls. This makes the construction much more stable than when using PP foam.
Super strong CubX instead of PP Foam
The stairs are built into the pool
The stairs are an important part of the pool’s construction. Until 2011, the stairs were under-built, i.e. filling with cement under the stairs. This outdated construction has been problematic partly during installation, but also during subsidence and movements in the ground. Over the years, most manufacturers have chosen to replace them with water-filled stairs instead. The pool itself is manufactured as a single water barrier and then the stairs in the pool are manufactured. There is thus no risk of the pool leaking if a settlement were to occur at the stairs. Under the stairs there is water circulation directly from the sand filter that has been cleaned and since algae does not form in the dark, you do not have to worry about the water quality under the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs there are inlets where the water then circulates out to the pool.
Our stairs are made of semi-protected material “cubic grain” which is without edges and is a real masterpiece! Choose between straight or round corner stairs with a bench, floating stairs or weekend gable stairs. The construction of the stairs is very stable and does not fail thanks to good engineering calculations.
The material polypropylene is an insulating plastic and the material is covered with 30 mm insulation on the outside. By insulating both the sides and the bottom, we have created maximum insulation for the pool. Only 6% of the heat goes through the walls and bottom of the pool and thus the insulation for the PP Pool is almost complete. However, 94% of the heat (which goes upwards) must be protected and then a pool roof or slatted cover is the most suitable type.
PGX UV stabilization
In 2020, the manufacturer Roechling has introduced an even more resistant material against chlorine and UV radiation than the current PG material. The novelty is called PGX and means that the color is kept even longer and chlorine cannot bleach it as easily.
CAD drawing for each customer
When ordering, the factory’s engineers produce accurate drawings of each part in the form of a CAD drawing that the customer approves and can plan the excavation accordingly.
CAD drawing for each pool
Made in 8 or 12 mm thick UV stable PP Thermoplast from Roechling
PP Pool versus liner pool or fiberglass pool
Sweden’s best-selling pools are lined with PVC liner cloth, even though the Nature Conservation Society writes this about the PVC cloth:
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC; vinyl) PVC or vinyl as the liner is also called, is made from vinyl chloride which is carcinogenic and thus meets our criteria for hazardous chemicals.
Plasten har innehåller flamskyddande egenskaper på grund av det höga klorinnehållet, samt går att skräddarsy med tillsatsämnen får att få önskvärd materialstyrka, flexibilitet, transparens eller färg. Att PVC går att få med så många egenskaper, gör att det har ett brett användningsområde, till exempel fönster/fönsterramar, kabelhöljen, golvmattor, vägguttag, tätningslister i kylskåpsdörrar, förpackningar och plastfilmer för livsmedel, blodpåsar, dialysslangar, leksaker, väskor och skor, detaljer i bilindustrin, med mera. PVC återfinns också i regnkläder, duschdraperier, avtorkningsbara dukar (”vaxdukar”), uppblåsbara madrasser, badpooler och badleksaker, som konstläder på möbler och överdrag på kuddar och madrasser. Produktionsvolymmässigt är PVC en av de fem viktigaste plasttyperna i Europa.
PVC innehåller ofta mjukgörare, av vilka flertalet ftalater är förbjudna att användas i tillverkningen av plasten inom EU, sedan början av år 2015 på grund av deras inneboende farliga egenskaper. Därför avråder vi från användandet av gammal PVC samt PVC importerad från utanför EU, då dessa varor inte följer samma lagstiftning som nytillverkade varor producerade inom EU.
PVC är en hård plast och för att göra duken mjuk tillsätter man mjukgörare. Såhär skriver Naturskyddsföreningen om Mjukgöraren i PVC duken:
Mjukgörare Mjukgörare gör hård plast mjuk och flexibel. De flesta mjukgörarna är inte bundna till polymeren och läcker därför med tiden ut från materialet. Mest mjukgörare används för PVC-plast. Flertalet av dessa mjukgörare är cancerogena, hormonstörande, reproduktionstoxiska och/eller skadliga för vattenlevande organismer. Olika ftalater är kända exempel på problematiska mjukgörare. Fyra ftalater (DEHP, DIBP, DBP och BBP) är upptagna på tillståndslistan vilket gör att företag behöver tillstånd för att få använda dem. Detta gäller dock bara företag inom EU.
De flesta linertillverkare lämnar inte garantier över 28 grader på sina produkter då mjukgöraren frigörs från PVC som i sin tur hamnar i poolvattnet.
Poolens kopplingar är färdigdragna till ett hörn och provtryckta
Våra poolpaket
Rak hörntrappa i en PP Pool
Rund hörntrappa i en PP Pool
Rak hörntrappa med sittbänk i en PP Pool
Helgaveltrappa i en PP Pool
42m lyft av PP Pool med kranbil
Färdigkopplad och provtryckt pumpkabinett
Trappor enligt er fantasi (förutom standardtrappor)
Varför ska du köpa en PP Pool av Pooltime?
– Mångårig erfarenhet att tillverka PP Pooler
– Premiumkvalité på våra PP Pooler
– Beprövad teknologi och senaste svetsteknik
– Stödkonstruktion av senaste sandwichmaterial
– 8 eller 12 mm materialtjocklek för raka och jämna väggar
– Erbjuder senaste PGX material som tillval som är mer motståndskraftig mot klor och UV
– Trappor underfyllda med vatten för att undvika förstärkningar utifrån poolen
– Poolen levereras komplett med paket för att undvika att man missar en viktig komponent till sin pool
– Hel balja minskar installationskostnaden
– Montera poolen på egen hand
– Ingen cancerframkallande PVC linerduk
– Miljövänligt material utan gifter och mjukgörare
– Trappan inbyggd med valfri färg
– Special linje för att lättare se trappans kant
– Choose different shapes of pool or stairs
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Contact us for a quote on our pool packages by email or phone: